Bishop Mark Shaw's earnest desire is to see people realize who they are in Christ and who God is to them. This will empower them to fulfill their purpose and destiny in Christ. He is the author of two books, "Is God Calling You To Ministry?" and "The Glory of Kings."

God has called him to share the true nature of God with emphasis placed on the relationship between the individual and their Creator. In order to effect true and positive change in people’s lives, Bishop Shaw has also been called to bring attention to secular concepts and philosophies that have crept into the Body of Christ.

Prophet John Kolb of Clarion Call Ministries, Rochester, MN states, “The ministry of Bishop Mark Shaw is one that is highly anointed to the calling that God has placed upon him. He ministers with great integrity and strong Biblical principles of character in simple humility of heart that has encouraged so many.”

Bishop Shaw is co-founder and director of FFMTA and Collegium Bible Institute where the next generation of ministers are being equipped for God’s service around the world. Shaw began his ministerial journey with the First New Testament Church where he was licensed in 1977. He served as an associate pastor and studied under Reverend James Anderson and Reverend Shirley Smith in Fort Myers, Florida. He received his leadership training under Bill Basansky Ministries in 1985.

Bishop Shaw was ordained as teacher and pastor in 1988 with the Five Fold Ministries by Dr. Roger Parlin, founder of the Five Fold Ministries.  Shaw has served on their board of directors for the past twenty years. In September 2002, he was ordained by Dr. Michael K. Lake of United Full Gospel Church, located in Marshfield, Missouri. The Bishop is the co-founder of A Voice in the Wilderness newsletter which is published quarterly. Licensed in Teleios Therapy®, he counsels in healing and restoration through spiritual renewal. Shaw holds a Bachelor’s Degree and continues his studies with Dr. Michael Lake through Biblical Life College and Seminary in Marshfield, Missouri.

Bishop Shaw teaches the design gap theory, which states that an individual is created by God for a particular destiny in life. In order to achieve this destiny, the individual must be living in accordance with God’s will for their life. Any deviation from this creates a gap between the individual’s designed purpose and their current lifestyle. Bishop Shaw is co-founder and director of Five Fold Ministries Training Academy where the next generation of ministers are being equipped for God's service. The Bishop also presides as pastor over Five Fold Ministries Church in Pine Island, Minnesota.

In 2007 the Lord blessed this ministry by allowing FFMTA to became a biblical institute (Collegium Bible Institute) in academic fellowship of the International Education Network of Biblical Life College & Seminary. BLCS has reviewed our curriculum and has given accreditation toward college credit with their college.

Called to the office of Prophet, Kathryn Colton Shaw has a heart and a voice to teach those that are hungry to walk in the ways of the Lord, and awaken them to do what God has called them to do. It is Kathryn’s desire to bring healing to the whole person in order that they may be released to accomplish the destiny they were created for.

Kathryn is the co-founder of A Voice in the Wilderness newsletter, which is a quarterly publication that focuses on the Christian life. She is licensed in Teleios Therapy ®, and teaches in healing and restoration through spiritual renewal. Kathryn holds an associate degree in Biblical Counseling under Dr. Michael Lake through Biblical Life College and Seminary in Marshfield, Missouri. She has completed studies through Oral Roberts University and she graduated in 2004 from The Way of the Master School of Biblical Evangelism located in Bellflower, California. 

Kathryn was ordained into the Five Fold Ministries in 1998 by Dr. Roger Parlin, founder of the Five Fold Ministries.  She currently sits on the board of directors and is co-director of Five Fold Ministries. Kathryn has a gift for networking and hosting seminars and educational programs. She is also gifted in administration and is a valuable asset in giving direction to the church. Pastor Kathryn is the co-founder of FFMTA and Collegium Bible Institute where she serves as Academic Dean/Counselor and continues to develop curriculum to impact the next generation for Christ.




Brandon Gatzke joined FFMTA in 2002. He is called to the office of Teacher/Evangelist and senses a deep commitment to the outcasts of society where he has a heart for those that are substance abusers. Coming from the street himself, God has given him a divine compassion for those who are bound by drugs and alcohol. Brandon takes the Word of God literally when Jesus commissioned us to go make disciples through street evangelism ministry.

Brandon’s preaching style shows his love for the Word of God and its application to the lives of believers. He has a longing for people to find their divine purpose and to see them walk in the direction that their Creator called them.  He has a love for the truth and is an avid hunter of true doctrine. Brandon presently holds an associate degree with Biblical Life College & Seminary and he is a member of the Heritage Foundation Committee at Collegium Bible Institute (CBI).




Called to the office of Teacher, Michelle Holmstadt came to FFMTA in 2005. Since then, Michelle has developed a heart for those that see no or little value in themselves and as a result are broken hearted.  God has given her compassion to minister and bring healing to those who are emotionally wounded. She also takes a strong stand on social injustice issues because of its impact upon the members of our society.  

Michelle is an anointed prayer team member with the City Lights Prayer Team as well as a trained member of the healing ministry at Five Fold Ministries. She is a powerful Teacher who loves the study of the Hebraic culture and its impact on understanding the Word of God. She presently holds an associate degree with Biblical Life College & Seminary and she is a member of the Heritage Foundation Committee at Collegium Bible Institute (CBI).







Collegium Bible Institute

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Rochester, MN 55903


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